Reflections from Inside the Moon

A collection of weekly reflections from one woman's ongoing journey toward simplicity and contentment.

FOR TODAY 28 December, 2010

Outside my window...
The barren trees behind my patio have a scurry of rouge squirrels vying for the apples I randomly placed for their winter breakfast this morning.

I am thinking...
How I want this holiday season to be over. 

I am thankful for...
Wonderful friends who truly show what its like to be a friend.

From the garden...
Fresh winter kale.

From the kitchen...
There is a sourdough starter bubbling away atop of my refrigerator.

I am wearing...
My favorite carpenter work jeans, a luscious wrap around mohair sweater I just completed, and a pair of comfy loafers.  Though, my hair is driving me crazy - ugh, you know it as 'winter hair'!!

I am creating...
A lovely jewel-toned knitted scarf to spice up my black wool winter coat.

I am going...
Where am I going?  Oh, I yearn not to do anything! The winter quarter at Capella begins 10 Jan 2011 and the thought of going or doing disturbs current attempts to revitalize my collaboration with peace and tranquility.

I am reading...
Two books during this 3 week academic break:  Zelda Fitzgerald: Her voice in paradise by Sally Cline, and Among the bohemians: Experiments in living 1900-1939 by Virginia Nicholson.

I am hoping...
For good things this coming year. 

I am hearing...
The beauty of streaming classical music as I write.

Around the house...
Books, papers, mounds and mounds of journal articles not yet categorized and filed. . .

One of my favorite things...
This week I developed a new tradition "one day late Christmas dinner and a movie" for two of my favorite friends that were a tremendous help with my recent move to Denver.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Plans to jump-start my private practice has been sucking the life out of me.  Between doctoral work and business promotion, my life has dwindled into a black sea of nothingness. Close friends have lovingly urged me to find meaningful work in a more stable environment that will ultimately support my academic work.  But I tell them, "I will stand tall or fall", meaning the power of my stubbornness will not give way; however, this week I will ponder their urgings.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
I am obsessed with creation; breaking free from my chains, soaring and making music.

Please join me and the growing world of 'The Simple Women's Daybook"; a diverse collection of women's thoughts, hopes and dreams.  Graciously created by Peggy, the host, whose blog may be found at: