Reflections from Inside the Moon

A collection of weekly reflections from one woman's ongoing journey toward simplicity and contentment.

FOR TODAY 10 June 2011

Outside my window...
The wonder of birth has been sitting outside my window for weeks!  Roosts of Robin's have been nesting in the shaded cove of trees lining my patio.  Little beaks have been poking and prodding over the nests rim in search of mom's and dad's bounty of worms.

I am thinking...
About an inspiring video that I watched on Face-book this morning: If I Were Brave .

I am thankful for...
Each and every day I take a breath, witness the beauty of creation, and how that creation provides and protects its inhabitants.

From the garden...
Sadly, I have no time to find a community gardening plot in the Denver area.  Just a few pots of peppers and tomatoes to thrive in the sunny area of my patio, and several varieties of leafy greens for the shade. 

From the kitchen...
I am attempting to learn the in's and out's of making pemmican, a nutritious high protein food made from bone marrow, buffalo or elk supplemented with my all time favorites; cranberries and blueberries. So, we shall see...  But, my housemate just voraciously consumed what was a tasty batch of green chili stew.

I am wearing...
Late night last night, so I am still wandering around in my jammies thinking walking clothes, walking clothes, walking clothes...

I am creating...
Have you ever discovered a stash of fabric that leaves you breathless when finding it.  Well, that is what happened this week.  I love wraps of all kinds; knitted, crochet, with or without beading, single wrap or double wrap for warmth... But this my friends, is drop your socks kind of fabric I want to wear as a summer wrap.  Its blue silk with a delicate embossing of moss green swirly thingies.. Oooohh, I can't even describe it. It's going to pair perfectly for easy to wear sun dresses I seem to live in during the summer months.  Maybe a bit of  o' beads along the outside edges for touch of elegance. 

I am going...
Laughing, am trying to motivate myself to take a walk along Bear Creek Trail - maybe 4.5 or 5 miles.

I am reading...
Well, well...I have nothing to announce.  No reading at the moment, just busy finishing up a final project for school.  Then its off to the library for a lengthy exploration of new finds.

I am hoping...
I am hoping for best.  I am hoping good things.  I am hoping that I can continue to share positive thoughts and caring with everyone I meet.

I am hearing...
Little nesting Robin's voices.

Around the house...
Silence.  My housemate is off on a fishing trip for 3 days and I can run, jump and play anyway I want :)

One of my favorite things...
Listening to beautiful solo piano music on SKY.FM.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Getting ready to flood the market with job applications. I have decided to let go of my private practice, at least until I finish the PhD program.

Quote of the week:
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. -- Maya Angelou

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

This is titled  Care.  How simple, yet profound, is a child's mind when it thinks about caring for others.  Our hearts, as the spray bottle, can be filled, re-filled, and re-filled again with protective acts of love, consideration, support and encouragement for others. I would like to think, as this child portrayed, that one will never run out of this vital food of life.

Honoring the divine in all ~


Please join me and the growing world of 'The Simple Women's Daybook"; a diverse collection of  thoughts, hopes and dreams written by awesome women around the world.  Graciously created by Peggy, the host, whose blog may be found at: